Over the past several years of working with small business owners and WordPress, we are often asked, “How often should I log into WordPress?” or related statements that begs the question. I.e. If I’m not blogging or otherwise updating content, why...
It is common for me to submit several hundred abuse reports as part of our security monitoring service every day. If I was asked for an off the cuff ball park of the main attack types from January 2012 to August 2012, I would probably answer with 40% remote file...
Hopefully you log into your WordPress administration area on a regular basis to see if there are updates (or maybe you are using WordFence or another tool that alerts you). Before you check the check boxes or otherwise press the update button, are you taking the...
Generally you wanted to be on the very latest version of a WordPress plugin. However, there are times you do need to be one or more versions behind. What are some of the reasons behind making such a decision? Recently a plugin was throwing errors for me after updating...
What is the WordPress White Screen of Death? It is when you go to your site and see just a blank, empty, white page rather than your site. While you may not have known the name of the problem, it is something you can experience with WordPress (as well as other content...