Over the past several years of working with small business owners and WordPress, we are often asked, “How often should I log into WordPress?” or related statements that begs the question. I.e. If I’m not blogging or otherwise updating content, why...
We currently co-locate a small number of servers for off site backup as well as anti-spam appliances; this is part of our Think Local initiative. Just after ceremony of our daughter’s graduation from culinary school, I was paged with the message the Internet...
Repeat after me, “hackers most often target vulnerabilities, not specific people or companies.” Now, say that over and over again.. and shortly you should come to the conclusion that every single device and application typically has vulnerabilities which...
Most small business stewards provide customer service as well as receive customer service as part of wearing many hats. I really appreciate being on both ends of giving and receiving as each encounter is an opportunity to learn, to adapt, to change, and to improve....
It is common for me to submit several hundred abuse reports as part of our security monitoring service every day. If I was asked for an off the cuff ball park of the main attack types from January 2012 to August 2012, I would probably answer with 40% remote file...
One of the common questions I hear from business stewards is, “How do I know what type of hosting to get? Will shared hosting be enough?” I also hear the variations of the above that often come in the form of, “my _______ told me I needed a dedicated...