In the 1972 movie, The Godfather, we hear Tom stating, “This is business, not personal!” I lost track of how many times I’ve heard that phrase or variations like it to justify business decisions whether it be employer vs. employee or business vs....
Have you ever taken a sales call where you absolutely knew you could solve the prospective customer’s pain for a reasonable investment (that in the long run would actually save them money), only to have them drop their mouth to the floor and complain your...
We currently co-locate a small number of servers for off site backup as well as anti-spam appliances; this is part of our Think Local initiative. Just after ceremony of our daughter’s graduation from culinary school, I was paged with the message the Internet...
Even though our servers are in secure, reliable, relatively hurricane resistant data centers and we have daily backup of all systems, we did not find out our weak areas until storm Sandy came into our neck of the woods. My heart goes out to those families who have...
Most small business stewards provide customer service as well as receive customer service as part of wearing many hats. I really appreciate being on both ends of giving and receiving as each encounter is an opportunity to learn, to adapt, to change, and to improve....