VeriSign resonates very well with large companies and corporations that want to obtain the highest levels of security possible.
VeriSign provides Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates and more in a single solution. VeriSign SSL helps increase the business performance of web sites and not only secures your online transactions; it helps assure customers that they are safe when interacting with your site. Use the VeriSign Seal, the most trusted mark on the Internet, for customer peace of mind at all points of their online experience with your business: trust the link, trust the site and trust the transaction.
New VeriSign SSL Trust features
Seal-in-Searchâ„¢ technology gives customers confidence to click-through to your site*
- Enhance your search-engine-optimization efforts by making your listings stand out with the VeriSign seal.
- Tell customers at the search results level that your site can be trusted because it has been authenticated by VeriSign.
- Stand out in search results.
- Increase traffic to your site
* Requires plug-in from AVG.
Web site malware scanning gives customers confidence to be on your site and sign in
- A daily non invasive scan of your of your external facing site for malicious code
- Successful scans will result in the Verisign Trust Seal to be posted on your site and prevent your site from being blacklisted by search engines.
- The VeriSign Trust Seal on your site confirms your identity and assures visitors that your site is legitimate.
- Reduce the risk of infecting your customers’ computers when they browse your Web site.
New Verisign Trust Seal converts visitors into customers
- Secure the transfer of sensitive data using premium VeriSign SSL.
- The VeriSign seal is the #1 trust mark on the Internet.
- Case studies show a 10-34% increase in online transactions when a VeriSign seal is displayed.
In addition to new Trust features, VeriSign SSL also includes
- Choice of standard (40-bit minimum to 256-bit) or SGC encryption (128-bit minimum to 256-bit encryption)
- Stringent business authentication and extended validation
- Up to a $250,000 warranty