What are the services you need from Dynamic Net, Inc. once you’ve made the decision you want to have a fully integrated (i.e. the customer never leaves your web site) PCI Compliant hosting experience? Maybe you’ve been one of our customers for years, and...
Are you being lulled into believing you are on a managed server when you rent your server from the likes of Rackspace.com and other data centers stating they are offering managed servers? What does it really mean when a data center provider states they offer managed...
If you want to accept credit cards online, then you need to be PCI Compliant, whether your business is brand new, or your business been established for centuries. Over the years, we’ve helped various business owners and managers to become PCI Compliant. To those...
If you are reading this article, you’ve probably had your share of headaches as to how to create a password for a given application that is easy to remember; and, at the same time hard for hackers to crack open or otherwise break in. Prior to today, my...
While I was given stewardship of our business in June 1995, we did not start hosting clients until the latter part of 1996. Our first customer was a local bank in Allentown, Pennsylvania with the goal of doing online banking vs. having a lot of physical branches. We...
Even though we strongly believe security should be an entitlement for hosting customers, we strongly believe that security starts at home. A hosting provider can have the most secure environment in the world, but if the customer uses weak passwords and out-dated...