While there are a growing number of technical articles on how to protect your Apache based server against the SSL Beast, I’ve yet to see an article that goes into the SSL Cipher Suite that should be used for allowing only RC4-SHA and nothing else.
This past weekend, I found out that some authorized PCI Compliance Scanning vendors will only grant you PCI Compliance status if your SSL Beast protection setup only allows for RC4-SHA and nothing else.
If you have such a vendor, then the following are the settings you would use in your Apache 2 httpd.conf configuration file:
You can test your settings by running the following (preferably on another server):
openssl s_client -connect [ssl public machine]:443 -cipher RC4-SHA openssl s_client -connect [ssl public machine name]:443 -cipher DES-CBC3-SHA openssl s_client -connect [ssl public machine name]:443 -cipher AES256-SHA
And so on for the various ciphers; only the RC4-SHA should connect.
If you know of a more elegant way to adjust the SSLCipherSuite to only allow RC4-SHA please let us know using the comment form below.