8/9/11 – Shared Hosting Plan Upgrades
Hello all! We hope you’ve all had a great summer so far and you’ve managed to find at least a little bit of time to relax and enjoy it.
Over the past several months, we’ve worked diligently to improve our shared hosting infrastructure, increase efficiency, increase security, and generally continue to better your overall hosting environment.
One change that has been unfortunate is the rising costs to obtain and justify IP addresses. While we’ve chosen to absorb the majority of this cost, we had to make the very difficult to decision to increase the costs of dedicated IP addresses to $3.50 per month. While this isn’t a substantial increase and affects only those who need or use dedicated IP addresses, we wanted to make you aware of it immediately.
However, as part of this process (effective immediately), we’ve also been able to upgrade each of our managed shared hosting accounts with additional disk space and bandwidth. As of today, all Professional plans have been upgraded to 1,700 MB of disk space and 25 GB of bandwidth. Corporate plans have been upgraded to 3,500 MB of disk space and 55 GB of bandwidth. E-Manager plans have been upgraded to include 3500 MB of disk space and 55 GB of bandwidth. Finally, E-Pro plans have been upgraded to 4,750 MB of disk space and 70 GB of bandwidth.
We’re providing these upgrades to all existing clients at absolutely no charge to you and they require absolutely no action on your part to receive them…they’ll be added automatically to your accounts.
Please consider this a sincere thank you for your continued business and support, as we strive to provide you with an ever improving customer experience and hosting platform.